|  |  |  | | | | New Job Career and CPNS 2011 | | | | | | | | |  |  |  | | | | | Subsequently in mid-May, 2008, through Government Regulation no. 41 dated May 19, 2008 Public Corporation Enterprise Development Facility again changed its name to Credit Guarantee Indonesia Public Corporation (Perum Jamkrindo). Company name change was related to changes in the company's business that becomes more focused on SME credit guarantee business and no longer make loans directly to SMEs through a revenue sharing scheme.
In 2008 also, the government issued Presidential Decree No. 2 dated January 26, 2008 regarding Insurance Agency. To implement the Presidential Decree, the Government in this case the Ministry of Finance, Bapepam-LK issued a Regulation of the Minister of Finance (FMD) No. 222/PMK.010/2008 December 16, 2008 on Credit Guarantee Company and Repeat Credit Guarantee Company. With the regulation in question, then Perum Jamkrindo required to have licenses to operate as a Credit Guarantee Company. Following up on PMK, the Minister of Finance issued Ministerial Decree No. KEP-77 / KM.10/2009 April 22, 2009 which establishes a business license as a company Perum Jamkrindo Credit Guarantee.
Credit Guarantee Jamkrindo Indonesia or abbreviated, is a state-owned Indonesian Government established under PP. 41 of 2008, dated May 19, 2008. Perum Jamkrindo given the task to carry out business activities in the field of credit guarantee to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives (UMKMK), including individual credit guarantee activities, consulting services and management services to UMKMK. While the intent and purpose of Perum Jamkrindo is to implement and support government policies and programs in economics and national development, by conducting credit guarantee for UMKMK.
Perum Jamkrindo underwriting business focus today is the provision of credit guarantee / financing banks and other business entities with conventional and Islamic patterns, where the guarantee of sharia (kafalah) Perum Jamkrindo is Indonesia's first Islamic insurance. In running his business, Perum Jamkrindo partnering with banks and other business entities as a lender to UMKMK and cooperation with partner co-guarantee. The number of partners Perum Jamkrindo currently reaches more than 65, which consists of banks namely Bank of Regional Development (BPD), state-owned Bank, National Private Banks and other business entities both conventional and Islamic.
Now Perum Jamkrindo is opening position in 2011 for S1 Graduated - application deadline May 18 2011. Please download the detail document below
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